Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Message Wall


My Message wall explained:
The 4 small dry erase boards on the top are where I keep track of my personal goals (plus scriptures, or quotes that inspire me) and the progress and goals I have for my kids. I measure them in 5 areas:
Every week on Sunday I evaluate each kid in each area during my "Sunday Session" (I will explain that in detail in another post but for now know that it is basically my planning for the week ahead) So, for example right now on each of their boards it says the following:
get on regular solid food feeding schedule
practice walking with mommy and daddy
Remember speech therapy!
work on morning prayers
Work on letters N&A and find ABC game online
Memorize 1st article of faith
"asking" game all week! until she gets used to asking for permission again
work on morning prayers
Memorize 1st article of faith
I usually keep each item posted for several weeks adding and changing things as they learn and grow.
Keeping these goals posted where I can see them at all times keeps them fresh in my mind. Evaluating them weekly helps me to work on their personal progression on a whole-nother level that I otherwise would not have.
Next I have my calendar in the middle.
In the corner I write our VALUE, FHE THEME, JOY, & PROJECT of the month. This Month it is as follows:
VALUE- Peaceability
JOY- Joy of Trust & Confidence
FHE- Work & discipline
PROJECT- Monster Bag & Homeschool set-up
We have CD's, stories, and lessons that go with the themes and teach them during FHE and listen to them while we are driving. I also find tons of teaching experiences in day to day life focusing on our current themes. For example this month we have been working on peace in our home. We talk about peace at church. We were watching cartoons and one was about secrets so I brought up trust... etc. our FHE's have that theme divided into 4 weekly lessons.
I'll explain more about our monthly values/joys/FHE in another post. If you're hungry for more I got all these ideas from Linda & Richard Eyre's books. You can also visit their website for more. Their website gives you the FHE themes and broken down lessons for free once you sign up. You have to pay a one time lifetime membership fee of $50 to gain access to all their stuff but it was probably the best money I ever spent. WELL worth it!!!!)
Next I have the girls Aprons. I found that when my kids "dress up" to do something they are that much more into it and that much happier to do what they need. So I made them Aprons for cooking and cleaning.
At the bottom is our "Proud Pig". This is where we post anything and everything the kids are proud of. We use this instead of magnets/fridge because 1. we can't see our fridge in our galley kitchen and 2. the kids love the pig and it looks like it's hugging their work!

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