Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Influence of Mothers { in the long run....}

Take a look at this and read the story below:

Sarah Edwards

Sarah pierrepont was born in 1710 and wed Jonathan Edwards, a minister, when she was 17. They had 11 children together. 8 boys and 3 girls. Sarah felt it was her duty to keep her home pleasant so her husband could devote his life to God's word. His studies and prayers often took up to 13 hours a day. Jonathan was shy, moody, & unsocial. Sarah was vibrant, outgoing, and graceful. Here is a quote from an unnamed close friend:

“She had an excellent way of governing her children; she knew how to make them regard and obey her cheerfully. She seldom punished them, and in speaking to them used gentle and pleasant words. When she had occasion to reprove or rebuke, she would do it in a few words, without warmth and noise, and with all calmness and gentleness of mind. In her directions and reproofs of matters of importance, she would address herself to the reason of her children, that they might not only know her inclination and will, but at the same time be convinced of the reasonableness of it. She had need to speak but once and she was obeyed; murmuring and answering again were not known among them. In their manners they were uncommonly respectful to their parents.When their parents came into the room, they all rose instinctively from their seats and never resumed them until their parents were seated; and when either parent was speaking, no matter with whom they had been conversing, they were all immediately silent."
other quotes have been found on her parenting and all testify of her devotion to her husband, children, and God. She nurtured each child's individuality and intelligence, teaching them, loving them, and training them to be responsible to eachother, the community, and God.

In 1900 A. E. Winshup did a study on what happened to her descendants up to the year 1900. He found they included all the above mentioned (in the picture). He also found out
they had written over 135 books and edited eighteen journals and periodicals. Many had entered the ministry. Over 100 were missionaries and others were on mission boards. Winship wrote:
“Many large banks, banking houses, and insurance companies have been directed by them. They have been owners or superintendents of large coal mines… of large iron plants and vast oil interests… and silver mines…. There is scarcely any great American industry that has not had one of this family among its chief promoters….”
Out of 1,400 descendants only 2 were "black sheep" (Marriage To A Difficult Man: The Uncommon Union Of Sarah And Jonathan Edwards, by A. E. Winshup)

The Jukes family (Jukes & Edwards; Significant Statistics of Two American Families)
Max Jukes was born in about 1720. Very little is known of him but his descendants have managed to constantly keep themselves in the eyes of the public. After a 5 year genealogical study of his ancestors they found about 1,200 people ALL of whom were either criminals, paupers or insane ONLY 20 of the 1,200 ever learned a trade and held a job and 10 of the 20 learned jobs in a State Prison. As of 1900 his descendants had cost the state of New York $1,250,000!!! (that's around $30,000,000 in todays market) <--- This family could have used a Sarah Edwards! The story of Sarah Edwards inspired me. It testifies of what an amazing and heavy responsibility we as mothers have on our children. Our influence is far reached.... for generations to come!!

She is my Hero

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